Monday, June 30, 2014


I just checked blackboard for the assignments and it seems like this will be a week full of writing. I am not too worried about all the assignments because I know that I have what it takes to write. Anyone can write well if they are able to put words into a sentence that makes sense. This week we have to write a three to four page paper that is due on Thursday which I need to start. I also need to start writing more blog posts, but it is hard for me to think of things to write about for these. I feel that if I write more and more, it will become easier to write blog posts because I will not need to think as much. There is a lot going on in my mind now and it is not easy for me to just power through these. I want to take a break and it throws me off of the paper because all I can think about is going outside and playing some type of sport. I feel as if I have no time to do this in college because I am always busy. I have no time for myself anymore and it is hard to stay focused on anything. The things that I enjoy are running, hiking, and playing sports like ultimate frisbee, frisbee golf, soccer and tennis. These sports got me through high school because I had a ton of free time. Now it seems like I am constantly doing homework or something school related. I want school to be over, but at the same time, I know I will have even less time when I am out in the work force to be doing these kinds of things. I guess that I am done with my rant and it is time to start studying for my Calc III test.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Know Your Audience

     The Know Your Audience discussion has been my favorite discussion so far. I got to answer a lot of questions that were thought provokers. There were also a lot of different answers from my classmates. This shows that our class is very diverse. There are many different types of people in the class, from students that have just graduated high school to people who are older and already have children and are already married. The only thing that most of us have in common is that we are taking this class. I like it this way because it is fun to read the answers of some of the questions where I would answer one way and other people could take the answer a completely different way.
     The question that I found the most intriguing was "Why do you feel college is important?" This was answered very differently by everyone in the class. Everyone agreed that college is important, but the reasons that it was important to them were very different. A lot of the answers are about the future, whether that is finding a job, or just completing a goal.
     Through this question I learned a lot about audience, and I learned that while there are differing views about each subject, the audience still wants to hear opinions that are not their own. In that way it is easy to try and direct the writing to a specific group of people, because you know what they want to hear. That is not the audience that I want to be writing to. I want to write for myself, but I understand that audience is important. Being in this class has helped me understand that while people think differently, they are still the audience and the writing should be for them. This will not change my writing all that much because I find that I try and write for whoever my audience is.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Credo

I believe in wisdom, because without wisdom, nothing would get accomplished. Wisdom is one of the most important traits and I believe that everyone has wisdom, but some people choose not to use their wisdom. Wise people are well respected in their fields/ communities. Someone who is wise should be able to see the answers and how to effectively finish something. I believe that it is important to be wise, not just because a wise person can see answers, but because they have most likely been through many of the struggles that other people are going through and can give them advice. Wisdom may in fact be the most important trait. Without wise people, there would not have been any movements, and we would make the same mistakes that we made hundreds of years ago. Wise people have brought the world forward and they have created everything that we have today. I consider myself to be wise, because I try to learn everything that I can in most situations. Wisdom is not only for the smartest of people but it is available to everyone. Wise people have seen that keeping knowledge to themselves have only ended in despair. Wisdom, while available to the general public, is not always utilized by everyone. People still make the same mistakes that other people have and end up learning the exact same lesson, it would be like taking a longer route to get to the same place. That is why I think that wisdom is important, it is easy to find an answer to a problem, but there are times when you have to work it out for yourself and in that find your own wisdom.

Friday, June 20, 2014


I believe that every question has an answer, even if that answer may not be the one that is the most obvious. The most obvious answers seem like they should be the right one, and most of the time it is, but there are cases where the most obvious answer is the one that you should avoid. The most obvious answer could be one that makes the most sense. I think that answers should be sought out and found the hard way, and that is by fact checking anything that you do. If two sources say the same thing then it would be easier to believe that answer, but if they say completely opposite things or focuses on different things then the answer is harder to find. There would need to be more sources that need to be checked and to do this takes time. Time is one of the hardest things to aquire because once you go forward in time, there is no redoing anything. Exactly liek this assignment. I have already messed up spelling some words, and that irks me to no other, but i will get over it. This is a lot easier then I originally thought itwould be and now I think that I will have to practice writing like this more often. The answer to getting better at something is practice. I have always dedicated myslef to learn how to do different things and I hate giving up. It makes my stomach feel horrible, and I hate that feeling. Giving up sucks, but if you persevere long enough to see yourself become better then it is all worth it. This 10 minutes is really long, but I still need to take up another 2 minutes. There is not much more that I can say on the every question has an answer, but I can give examples. A hard question would be "What is the meaning of life?" but people that are a lot smarter than me have tried answering it, but my answer would be whatever you make of your life gives it meaning. The answer does not always have to be corrct in societies eyes but if you find out that the answer is correct to you then it is.

This I believe...

I believe that I have the ability to be whoever I want.
I believe I am smart.
I believe that my friends are awesome.
I believe in science.
I believe that every question has an answer.
I believe that I am hungry.
I believe that the future will be fun.
I believe I make my own decisions.
I believe in myself.
I believe that people should ask more questions.
I believe in what I love.
I believe that people deserve second chances.
I believe in respect.
I believe in the truth.
I believe that football is the greatest sport ever.
I believe in fighting for what you believe in.
I believe in seeing the best in other people.
I believe that I will find a wife one day.
I believe Leonardo DiCaprio is a great actor.
I believe that having fun is the best stress reliever.
I believe that my 10 minutes are up.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Jung Typology Test Results

The result that I received was ESTP, which stands for Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving. This expresses who I am pretty well, not only as a person, but a writer as well. While reading the indicators page, I felt that it described me perfectly. I am a flaky person, that schedules things without thinking, and then I am constantly trying to make it better, in some detailed way. It usually pans out how I want it to. According to the indicator page, I am a self-centered person that is easily motivated, but can lose motivation easily when things become hard. In writing this means that I can start off a paper pretty easily, but about halfway through or even further along in the paper, I will lose interest because I am barely thinking about what I am going to write next. I think that this has shown me how I write, and how I can use this to my advantage when I am writing. Something I can work on is getting things started earlier. I usually put things off as long as I can, and this will sometimes hurt when I am writing because it will be harder to finish before the date that it is due. I can see this now and it will help in the future.


Test Post
Not sure how this would look. So I am doing this as a test post.