Friday, June 20, 2014


I believe that every question has an answer, even if that answer may not be the one that is the most obvious. The most obvious answers seem like they should be the right one, and most of the time it is, but there are cases where the most obvious answer is the one that you should avoid. The most obvious answer could be one that makes the most sense. I think that answers should be sought out and found the hard way, and that is by fact checking anything that you do. If two sources say the same thing then it would be easier to believe that answer, but if they say completely opposite things or focuses on different things then the answer is harder to find. There would need to be more sources that need to be checked and to do this takes time. Time is one of the hardest things to aquire because once you go forward in time, there is no redoing anything. Exactly liek this assignment. I have already messed up spelling some words, and that irks me to no other, but i will get over it. This is a lot easier then I originally thought itwould be and now I think that I will have to practice writing like this more often. The answer to getting better at something is practice. I have always dedicated myslef to learn how to do different things and I hate giving up. It makes my stomach feel horrible, and I hate that feeling. Giving up sucks, but if you persevere long enough to see yourself become better then it is all worth it. This 10 minutes is really long, but I still need to take up another 2 minutes. There is not much more that I can say on the every question has an answer, but I can give examples. A hard question would be "What is the meaning of life?" but people that are a lot smarter than me have tried answering it, but my answer would be whatever you make of your life gives it meaning. The answer does not always have to be corrct in societies eyes but if you find out that the answer is correct to you then it is.


  1. Hello!
    Quite a post! I to believe that every question has an answer, and sometimes that answer if now what we want to hear or even comprehend in that moment. However, I have learned that if every question does indeed have an answer like I believe it does, then there is power in formulating well thought out questions. I have become a researcher as well on questions that have interested me for some time. Some topics do take time as the research hops and hops through this clinical study to that clinical study or this persons experience compared to that experience. Basing research off of the experiences alone of another are rough, depending on what is being researched. Still I love to research and learn and get questions answered. There is something fulfilling about the progress of doing so. As far as what is the meaning to life? I believe that there is an answer to that one as well, but that people will always perceive it, believe it, answer it based upon what ever filters of information and experiences they have acquired and learned to use over their time in this life. Those filters can sometimes be blinders, not allowing one to perceive all that is before them or all that is being perceived. Regardless of society as well, I agree, I think it's best found through the individual to become something known rather than just believed. Society can tell use one thing and we can choose to believe it, but until we ourselves experience it, we will never know.

  2. Hello Micah:
    I really liked reading this post. I too found it difficult to not go back and correct everything that I wrote. I did correct some out of habit of correcting what I type for over 20 years. Typing with a timer, to me, just added to the stress of free writing. You did really well on yours, I understood every word anyway, and it has really made me think about how we can not control time no matter what. My children have grown up so fast, that it shocks me sometimes when I look at them and listen to them. It seemed that after 21 years of age my life just flew by very fast. Although when your 17, it seems like forever until your 21, funny how that works. If you ever find out the meaning of life please pass this information on to me, because I sure would like to know. I have given that question a lot of thought and read a lot about what others think it is and still don't have an answer. I believe that we should strive to make the world around us a better place by treating mankind with respect and teaching respect to our children. I believe that we are all born with the knowledge of the difference between right and wrong and it's up to us to use this knowledge every day. Thank you for your post Micah and I hope that you continue to do well in all that you do.

    Tareena Penrod
