Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Credo

I believe in wisdom, because without wisdom, nothing would get accomplished. Wisdom is one of the most important traits and I believe that everyone has wisdom, but some people choose not to use their wisdom. Wise people are well respected in their fields/ communities. Someone who is wise should be able to see the answers and how to effectively finish something. I believe that it is important to be wise, not just because a wise person can see answers, but because they have most likely been through many of the struggles that other people are going through and can give them advice. Wisdom may in fact be the most important trait. Without wise people, there would not have been any movements, and we would make the same mistakes that we made hundreds of years ago. Wise people have brought the world forward and they have created everything that we have today. I consider myself to be wise, because I try to learn everything that I can in most situations. Wisdom is not only for the smartest of people but it is available to everyone. Wise people have seen that keeping knowledge to themselves have only ended in despair. Wisdom, while available to the general public, is not always utilized by everyone. People still make the same mistakes that other people have and end up learning the exact same lesson, it would be like taking a longer route to get to the same place. That is why I think that wisdom is important, it is easy to find an answer to a problem, but there are times when you have to work it out for yourself and in that find your own wisdom.

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