Saturday, June 28, 2014

Know Your Audience

     The Know Your Audience discussion has been my favorite discussion so far. I got to answer a lot of questions that were thought provokers. There were also a lot of different answers from my classmates. This shows that our class is very diverse. There are many different types of people in the class, from students that have just graduated high school to people who are older and already have children and are already married. The only thing that most of us have in common is that we are taking this class. I like it this way because it is fun to read the answers of some of the questions where I would answer one way and other people could take the answer a completely different way.
     The question that I found the most intriguing was "Why do you feel college is important?" This was answered very differently by everyone in the class. Everyone agreed that college is important, but the reasons that it was important to them were very different. A lot of the answers are about the future, whether that is finding a job, or just completing a goal.
     Through this question I learned a lot about audience, and I learned that while there are differing views about each subject, the audience still wants to hear opinions that are not their own. In that way it is easy to try and direct the writing to a specific group of people, because you know what they want to hear. That is not the audience that I want to be writing to. I want to write for myself, but I understand that audience is important. Being in this class has helped me understand that while people think differently, they are still the audience and the writing should be for them. This will not change my writing all that much because I find that I try and write for whoever my audience is.

1 comment:

  1. You have an emerging analysis here but could be more substantial. Push yourself to back up a claim with specific and varied support. ~Ms. A.
