Wednesday, July 9, 2014


With only two weeks left to go of school left, it feels like summer has gone by pretty quickly. I wish that I had more time, but time tends to keep moving even if you stop. Time is almost more valuable then money. If we had more time then people could do everything they wanted rather than picking and choosing what they do with their time. If Albert Einstein had more time he could bring the world into even greater advances in physics and mathematics. There were so many things that he left unfinished because he ran out of time. There are people that want to try and accomplish everything that they can within a short amount of time and end up not doing any of it. I am a procrastinator and if there is even a slight chance that I can push something off then I will take it. Time is very important to me and I feel like spending all that I can doing what I enjoy because this life is too short to live for other people. If I was given more time on the Earth, I would probably spend it reading a book that one of my friends suggested to me.
Reading is a great way to pass the time because I will lose myself in a book and hours will go by before I take the time to put down a book. If I had more time then I would try to read all of the books that have been recommended to me.

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